Religious Education
In Church of Ireland primary schools, religious education is taught through the ‘Follow Me’ curriculum which is produced by the Church’s Board of Education. This curriculum is child-centred and seeks to bring children into contact with and seek to discover the love of God, while at the same time being respectful and inclusive of all people.
Religious Sacrements
Specific Church of Ireland faith formation and sacraments are taught at local parish level rather than the school. For those of other religious denominations who wish to celebrate their own religious sacraments, this can be organised with your local parish celebrant.
Religious Values
The aim of all Church of Ireland schools is to seek to express the beliefs and scriptural values of the Church of Ireland, among which are honesty, justice, fairness, respect, sensitivity to others and civic responsibility. Events where parents play an active role, such as Christmas carol services and plays; harvest thanksgiving and Eastertide are important in nurturing ethos in Church of Ireland primary schools.