Hi everyone,
We are enjoying the hot weather so much over the last few weeks and are having great fun in school completing lots of outdoor activities. We had a terrific time on our School Tour last week. It was just the best day ever!! We left the school at 9 a.m. and went on the bus to the aquarium. At the aquarium we had a great time learning about many different types of fish. We even got to hold some in our hands. We then got back onto the bus and it was time for our next stop. We arrived at Loughwell Farm very hot and very thirsty! Luckily, the people were waiting for us with lots of cool drinks. We then got a tour of the pet farm, went on a barn ride, got to play in the many different areas, went zip lining and even took part in races on the many indoor slides! We also got a very tasty lunch which consisted of sausages, chicken nuggets and chips! Yummy! We were so tired after our long day; we were glad to get onto the bus for a rest and thoroughly enjoyed our journey home. Here are just some of the photos from our best School Tour yet!!